In this highly anticipated sequel to the international sensation Culpa Mía, Noah and Nick's passionate romance faces new challenges. Despite their parents' efforts to keep them apart, their love seems unbreakable. However, as Nick dives into his career and Noah heads off to college, they're thrust into unfamiliar worlds filled with temptations and new connections. As they navigate the complexities of young adulthood, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. With external forces threatening to tear them apart and their family's reputation hanging in the balance, Noah and Nick must fight harder than ever to keep their love alive.

Date & Time
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
7:00PM Eastern
Approximately one hour before your screening start time, you will receive your link to access the screening. Space is limited to view the screening, and availability is first come, first served to those that click on the link.


Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Víctor Varona, Goya Toledo, Gabriela Andrada, Álex Béjar, Javier Morgade , Felipe Londoño, Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Víctor Varona, Goya Tole


Not Yet Rated
Not Yet Rated

Release Date

December 27, 2024

Screening Partner

Special Instructions

This film is in Spanish (Spain) with English subtitles. You MUST sign-up before 6:59pm ET on Wednesday, December 18th. Your unique screening link will be sent at 6:00pm ET on December 18th and will unlock for viewing at 7:00pm ET. Only click on the link while using the device you will use to watch the movie. Once you receive your link, you will have 36 hours during which you can watch the film once. Only on Prime Video December 27. 

In this highly anticipated sequel to the international sensation Culpa Mía, Noah and Nick's passionate romance faces new challenges. Despite their parents' efforts to keep them apart, their love seems unbreakable. However, as Nick dives into his career and Noah heads off to college, they're thrust into unfamiliar worlds filled with temptations and new connections. As they navigate the complexities of young adulthood, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. With external forces threatening to tear them apart and their family's reputation hanging in the balance, Noah and Nick must fight harder than ever to keep their love alive.

Date & Time
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
7:00PM Eastern
Approximately one hour before your screening start time, you will receive your link to access the screening. Space is limited to view the screening, and availability is first come, first served to those that click on the link.


Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Víctor Varona, Goya Toledo, Gabriela Andrada, Álex Béjar, Javier Morgade , Felipe Londoño, Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Víctor Varona, Goya Tole


Not Yet Rated
Not Yet Rated

Release Date

December 27, 2024

Screening Partner

Special Instructions

This film is in Spanish (Spain) with English subtitles. You MUST sign-up before 6:59pm ET on Wednesday, December 18th. Your unique screening link will be sent at 6:00pm ET on December 18th and will unlock for viewing at 7:00pm ET. Only click on the link while using the device you will use to watch the movie. Once you receive your link, you will have 36 hours during which you can watch the film once. Only on Prime Video December 27.